Taoyuan Cold Process Soap, Handmade soap-ZoZiLo Soap


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Sea Fennel Extract Soap Hand Made in Taiwan
handmade soaps all use natural vegetable oils and base on the traditional Marseille soap formula, the extract virgin olive oil occupies 72% of the whole oil.
Providing the most nourishing care for the skin, using cold soap making process.
Each handmade soap was saponified by standing for several weeks and infused with sea fennel extract from the Qing Garden plant factory.
The recipe is clear and simple, made by hand, made in Taiwan.

ZoZiLo marseille soaps are 100 % natural, based exclusively on 72% extra virgin olive oil and added essential oil and sea fennel hydrosols.

ZoZiLo handmade soaps is simply a healthy, effective, practical, economic, ecological and biodegradable product : a quality product for the whole family.

ZoZiLo Soap
For years , ZoZiLo have use the finest materials to make you quality products . Our soaps in Shea butter are traditionally made with a cold saponification. They are enriched in organic Shea butter known for its restorative, moisturizing and softening properties .
Each bar of soap contains these properties and virtues , some are made of essential oils and others of dried flowers.
ZoZiLo SOAPS are chemical free, Plam Oil Free with absolutely no artificial colorants and are never tested on animals.

Cold Process Soap
A pretty range of creamy soft marseille soaps enriched with Shea Butter and made with natural ingredients and fragrances.
Shea Butter is one of natures wonders renowned for its moisturising, softening, soothing and skin restorative properties.
Free of sodium laureth/lauryl sulfate, phthalates, parabens, tallowate, synthetic fragrance or artificial coloring

Cold-process soap is a beautiful looking soap that when scented with essential oils and colored with botanical elements.

Cold-process soap has no additives that are bad for the earth and it is gentle on sensitive skin.

Qing Garden
Qing Garden planted the SEA FENNEL in Taiwan, with indoor farming methods.
No pollution, No pests, No pesticides!
Sea fennel, since the seedling to harvest, the growth period of eight months.
The planting method is to use imported clean peat soil and fertilizer. With drinking mineral water, the entire sea anise distillation, extraction of sea anemone extract, output of 100% sea anemone flower water, aromatic, moist.

ZoZiLo Cold Process Soap
Cold-process soap is a beautiful looking soap that when scented with essential oils and colored with botanical elements.

Cold-process soap has no additives that are bad for the earth and it is gentle on sensitive skin.

ZoZiLo handmade soaps is simply a healthy, effective, practical, economic, ecological and biodegradable product : a quality product for the whole family.

ZoZiLo Soap Hand Made in Taiwan
ZoZiLo ® implemented the Qing Garden® Sea Fennel Hydrosols in 72% olive oil to make a mild moisturizing handmade Marseille soap in Taiwan.
ZoZiLo Soap 72% olive oil based, Palm Oil Free, Free of colorants and artificial ingredients, Effective on tough laundry stains, gentle enough for the most sensitive skin. 100% Vegan.
Cold Process Handmade Soap!!
100 % Organic Natural Ingredients!!
Cleanse, Soothe & Moisturize All Skin Types !!
All ZoZiLO Soap are chemical free, Palm Oil Free with absolutely no artificial colorants and are never tested on animals.

This gentle soap is full of natural ingredients to help cleanse skin of dirt and grime while deeply moisturizing it from within leaving it dewy and satiny soft.

softens the skin, unclogs pores, boosts collagen, reduces fine lines, speeds cell turnover and evens out skin discoloration and texture. It enables the epidermis to regain its youth and vitality and improves radiance and tone. The secret of this blue-green, beauty-bestowing plant is its rich, bio-available nutrients! All ZoZiLO Soap infused with sea fennel extract.

These luxury soaps for the whole family, great for travel and perfect to give as a beautiful gift. Cleanse, Soothe & Moisturize All Skin Types.

Online shopping:zozilo soap on amazon

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